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Print Hardware & Management Services

A Managed Print Service, which involves more than simply sourcing and servicing your printer

EBC Group has been providing trusted solutions to their clients for over 30 years, offering a true managed print service that will help you set clear objectives, monitor processes, and reduce your print costs by up to 30%.

We are a Gold Xerox partner and winner of Xerox partner of the year 2018, as well as Silver Canon Partner so you can rely on us to provide the best solution at the best price.


reduction in print costs


of the total cost of ownership for a printer is the purchase price


pounds saved by Avon & Somerset Police with Managed Print Service

Calculate your print costs

See your estimated print costs.

Features and benefits

Reduced Print

Monitor print environment with usage reports to make changes to who is printing, how much they are printing by department or individual

EBC Money Icon
Cost Saving

Save up to 30% on printing costs, through clear visibility of your overall print environment

Purchase less

Consolidating printers and print hardware into multi-functional devices that performs all of the required tasks, from one machine

Improved Security

Ensure confidential documents are not left in the print tray by introducing password protected print queues


Save time on menial print tasks, such as ordering toner, logging print issues or dealing with a number of unnecessary printers

Locating Person

A managed print service will monitor your toner levels and machine productivity, proactively addressing any issues

"Within two years of switching our bulk print, we were in pocket by £650,000, which helped us continue delivering excellent policing in the face of funding reductions."

Steve Hodgson, Head of Procurement, Avon and Somerset Police

Why do I need a Managed Print Service?

A Managed Print Service (MPS) covers all aspects of a company’s printing, including printers, scanners, copiers, multifunctional devices as well as a document management and workflow solutions. A MPS is designed and implemented with the anticipation of saving both time and money by analysing a businesses print requirements and providing more visibility and control of their print environment.

A MPS can deliver long term cost savings, by reducing print volume as well the amount of ink, paper and energy used. By consolidating your suppliers into one managed print provider, you can be rest assured that all servicing and consumables are dealt with seamlessly leaving you to concentrate on your core business operations.

Additionally, a MPS can improve end-to-end security, ensuring your office remains GDPR compliant and secure.

Our clients

TZ Twycross
black country

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